Local Church Budget
We worship God with our tithe, regular offerings and donations because whatever He receives, He multiplies. The miracle of the multiplication of bread teaches that a desert can become a restaurant when Jesus is around; nothing is too small for Him to make into a sumptuous feast.
Jesus can only multiply what is given to Him. The food that had remained home, He did not multiply; the food that was eaten before the disciples came, could not be multiplied; the food that was hidden away was not be multiplied.
Only the food freely offered by the little lad did He multiply. As the disciples went through the crowd to look for bread, the little boy gave his bread and fish. Jesus multiplied both. He multiplies whatever is given to Him.
A young man wanted to become a pastor. As there was no theological school in his home country, he applied to two affordable schools abroad. Unfortunately, one of the schools had to close because of a civil war. For the other, he was not granted a student visa. He was disappointed.
Then, unexpectedly, he was invited to the local conference office. There, he was introduced to a man who asked him: “Do you really want to study theology to become a pastor?” He answered affirmatively. Without any further discussions, the stranger informed him of his intention to pay for his studies at any theological school he chose. He could hardly believe what was happening, but on that day, he understood the meaning of whatever God receives, He multiplies.
With their limited resources, if his parents had kept their tithe and offerings for several years, it wouldn’t have been enough to pay his tuition at the school which he finally attended.
For all these untold miracles of God multiplying our resources, should we not persevere worshipping Him with our tithe and regular offerings?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help us to realize that in the time of scarcity, our wisest move is to return to You what is Yours and what You have asked of us. Renew our faith in You, the God who multiplies what He receives.