Harrisburg First SDA Church

Pastor's Message for February 12, 2022

Updated: February 25, 2022


“We are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

                                                                                    Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Dear Members and Friends of the Harrisburg First Seventh-day Adventist Church,

A few years ago, I flew to Oregon to accompany my son, Jonathan, back east from his Physical Therapy clinicals that he completed in Oregon. On my flight out to Oregon, I was reading Max Lucado’s book Outlive Your Life.  The premise of the book is that we were made to make a difference in this world that has so many needs. I experienced this first-hand on the connecting flight to Phoenix.  I barely made it, and an hour into the flight as I was watching the desert go by, I noticed the plane slow and then turn around.  Soon the pilot announced that there was a problem in one of the engines, and we would be returning to Phoenix to transfer to another plane.  The whole ordeal began with a plane full of disconnected travelers.  But I noticed that our four-hour crisis seemed to make a difference.  Some sitting in my row realized an older lady was distressed, and they took time to encourage her and help her contact her family.  Despite the irritation and complaints of some, a bit of camaraderie began to develop.  When we were finally able to land in Portland, we joined together in applause.   

It is my hope that as you reflect on God’s gift in Jesus you will recognize the crisis that this world faces and find ways to pass “the gift” on to others.  


If our church family or I can be of assistance to you during this time, please do not hesitate to call: 717-652-6000 (church office) 717-652-6005 (pastor’s line)

“Let’s encourage one another and all the more as we see the day approaching.”

God bless,

Pastor Dave Sanner

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