“In light of all this, here’s what I want you to do.
While I’m locked up here, a prisoner for the Master,
I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!
—on the road God called you to travel.
I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands.
I don’t want anyone strolling off,
down some path that goes nowhere.
And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—
not in fits and starts, but steadily,
pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love,
alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.”
Dear Members and Friends of the Harrisburg First Seventh-day Adventist Church,
The church bulletin for June 11 and 18 is attached so that you can see our plans for worship, the church calendar, requests for prayer, etc. The bulletin and additional information are also available on our Church website: harrisburgadventist.org
Here is some important information:
This week the “IMPACT” Literature Evangelist Team moved into our school classrooms for five weeks. The thirteen youth will be trained by their three leaders and then go door-to-door into the Harrisburg, York, and Lancaster communities sharing the good news of Jesus through books, offering Bible studies, and praying with people. This Sabbath you will meet the team members during our worship service. Please daily lift them up in prayer.
Children’s Church will restart this Sabbath during the worship service. Following the Children’s Story, the children will be invited to join Fiona Philipps and her team in the Kindergarten Sabbath School classroom for a special children’s worship service. They will rejoin their parents at the end of the main service.
Camp Meeting 2022: “Unshakeable” – June 14-18, 2022, at Blue Mountain Academy, Hamburg, PA – Details at - https://paconference.org/events/
The Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer Meeting – will continue on June 22, at 7:00 p.m. Mike Haas will be leading “Come Alive”, a seven-part series that concentrates on the basic principles of Christianity. All are encouraged to participate.The Church Business Meeting voted on Sunday, May 22, to move forward with the replacement of the lower-level windows. The window frames have rotted and need to be replaced. The cost of this project is $19,230.32. Our April financial statement shows that we currently have $13,014.14 in our Capital Improvement Fund. This is enough to purchase the windows. (This price reflects an increase of $1,186.32 in the price of the windows over the past few weeks.) We will now need $6,216.18 this summer to complete this project. This price reflects an increase in the price of the windows over the past few weeks. Please mark your contribution as “Capital Improvement Fund.” (Funds over the needed amount will be used for ongoing building projects.)
I hope that you will join us for worship each Sabbath morning.
If our church family or I can be of assistance to you during this time, please do not hesitate to call: 717-652-6000 (church office) 717-652-6005 (pastor’s line)
God bless,
Pastor Dave Sanner